Our Weight Loss Programs

weight loss

We want to thank you for choosing our clinic for your weight loss needs. As a new patient, we would like to provide you with some basic information regarding our program and the process you will begin as a patient at our facility.

Our clinic offers you a variety of extremely affordable programs as you start to work toward your weight loss and weight management goals. Our basic programs vary in cost from $20.00 to $30.00 a week; in order to qualify for these programs you will require medical clearance by one of our experienced clinicians who will sit in FREE consultation with you on your first visit.

Solo Semaglutide program ($320 per month)

  • 1 Semaglutide injection per week

*For dosage up to 1mg/week. Then prices very depending on dose

Combo Semaglutide program ($375 per month)

  • 1 Semaglutide injection per week
  • 4 B-12 injections
  • 4 Lipotropic injections of your choice
  • Daily Multivitamin 

*For dosage up to 1mg/week. Then prices very depending on dose

Our basic program includes these 5 components:

  • Appetite Suppressant: Our clinicians use 3 different types of appetite suppressants; all 3 are classified as controlled amphetamines and require a prescription by a licensed medical professional.
    One of our physician or physician assistants will prescribe one of these medications to you if they deem them appropriate. Once your health assessment is complete, they will use their discretion to determine which, if any, appetite suppressants will be prescribed. We ask that you please not request specific medications as our trained medical staff reserves the right to dispense according to their experience and protocol; however, please do notify the clinician if you have taken any of these medications previously.
  • Hydrochlorothiazide (Water Pill): The water pill is not necessarily a weight loss aid, but is used to relieve and/or prevent bloating and water retention as you work toward achieving your weight loss goals. The water pill should only be taken as directed by the physician/physician assistant, and is not recommended for patients allergic to Sulfa. Anyone with a sulfa allergy should notify our provider as there is an alternative diuretic we can prove in place of hydrochlorothiazide.
  • Daily Multivitamin: Research suggests that the daily use of a complete multivitamin is essential for optimal health, helps the body prevent against disease, and may also boost weight loss. By keeping the body adequately nourished and balanced, multivitamin supplements can help reduce food cravings while promoting weight loss. In addition to a complete multivitamin, we also recommend the use of Omega-3 fish oil, and vitamin D-3 daily.
  • Chromium supplement: Change the text to the following: Is a mineral supplement containing niacin-bound chromium polynicotinate. When taken before exercise it increases the body’s core temperature, which enhances workout and results in greater caloric efficiency. Take 1 capsule a half hour before exercise; in the absence of exercise it should be taken in the morning instead. Up to 4 Chromium supplement capsules may be taken daily.

  • Vitamin B-12 Injection: Vitamin B-12 helps increase metabolism by increasing energy at the cellular level. It is injected intramuscularly in the upper arm or buttocks.

weight loss program

In addition to our standard Vitamin B-12, we offer a selection of Lipotropic injections designed to burn stored fat cells and thereby decrease inches around the midline, waist, and buttocks. If you are allergic to sulfa we do not recommend these injections as they do contain a sulfa. This affordable series of Lipotropic injections are available in addition to the basic program, and can be purchased singularly as needed or in pre-paid bundles for bulk savings! Ask one of our courteous staff members how you can earn a FREE injection by purchasing in bulk.

Clients opting for natural alternatives are encouraged to ask about our all-natural treatment options! We offer a variety of vitamin and mineral nutritional supplements, as well as an all-natural alternative program which is ideal for younger clients and teenagers struggling to find a safe and effective weight loss solution.

As always we thank you for choosing our clinic to help meet your needs. Our knowledgeable and friendly staff looks forward to assisting you as you safely work toward good health and achievement of your weight loss and management goals.

Good Luck!
La Mirada Medical Weight Control Staff

*Results are not guaranteed. Individual results may vary.

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